Just derping around in Photoshop while tossing a few ideas around for a project and came up with this. This in no way represents an in-development game or a game that might even remotely be begun in the design process. I was just having a bit of fun with it.

Pretty much did everything except the star field in the background on my own. To me, personally, it at least tries to look somewhat more professional than a lot of game banners on BYOND. Let me know what you guys think and whether or not you might at least click on a game just based on the banner alone.

Edit: Fixed the misspelling. To be fair, I'm a grammar nazi, not a spelling nazi. Lol.
"Ascension" is misspelled. "Ascention" is only used to mean the same thing as "Ascension" by people who set up websites to talk about the 2012 mayan apocalypse, or talk about spiritual woo-woo and magic crystals on myspace. Even if it's deliberate, it's hard on the eyes.

I'd recommend a more metallic grey/blue for the chevrons and borders, with a more titanium white for the interior of the letters. It'll jump out a bit more at you.
Like I said, for fun. I wasn't trying to make it a realistic metal texture, though. I actually noticed the misspelling after I'd posted the topic. I wish Photoshop had some sort of spell checker to it. :P If it does, I've never see/used it.
It would definitely catch my attention. Like you said, it's above average; that alone is enough to make me curious. I like to seek out the few good things to help relief the frustration from some of the fan game stuff.
I might check out a few tutorials online to see about making the chevrons and lettering more metallic. I like your idea, Ter, and kinda wanna see how it looks.
Nice job, I'm not good with graphics so I would like something like that when I start up some projects! Can you do 32x32 and 64x64 Icons?
In response to Ter13
Ter13, I've tried looking up "ascention" and ascension, via google, the only one that returned a definition was "ascension". @_@
In response to PsyRabbit
PsyRabbit wrote:
Ter13, I've tried looking up "ascention" and ascension, via google, the only one that returned a definition was "ascension". @_@

He changed it after I mentioned that "ascention" wasn't a real word.