(See the best response by Nadrew.)
Is there a way to reference built-in procs, such as min(), max(), list(), etc?

I need to be able to reference them, as I call them via call() as part of a scripting engine. While I could easily create "proxy" functions (e.g. /proc/ScriptMin() return min(args)), I'd rather directly reference the built-in procs.

Is this possible, or will I have to simply use a set of proxy procs to go from script to built-in procs?
1.Go to dream maker
2.Press F1
3.Search Up Procs
4.Pick the kind of proc you want like Procs(atom), Procs(list),etc.
Reference in code, e.g. "/proc/MyProc()". This notation doesn't work for built-ins, it just throws an error when I try.
Take the first / off.
I had already tried that and it too resulted in a compile error.
What the heck are you trying to do i didn't understand your last post show me your full code.
Best response
Does seem you'll have to use a proxy-proc for this, built-in procs don't really fall under the conventional tree structure that call() expects, it expects the format "/proc/Name" or "/verb/Name", but in reality there's no /proc/max or /proc/min, they exist outside of the tree.
I was worried that was the case. Thanks!