I've had this problem before, I'm not experiencing it now! But I do forsee having it since I love using trees...and I don't want to make them a turf exactly....soooo...
65535 at compile time, 16.7 million at runtime. Runtime as in newly created after the world started.
In response to Kaiochao
Darn...I don't know if that's enough...
In response to Choka
If even 65k isn't enough for you, you're most likely doing something very wrong (or with a poor design). Why would you normally need more than that many?

Also, do note the distinction - 'objects' does NOT actually mean 'objs'. /obj is a specific atom type, and "obj" refers to that specific type. "Object" refers to an object in general, which is any datatype with vars and procs associated with it, not even limited to atoms. So /lists, /images and /savefiles are objects, and so are /mobs and /objs. To sum it up, if you say "obj" than you're only referring to the specific /obj type, of course.
In response to Kaioken
I can think of certain situations where you could pass the 65k marker, but certainly NOT at compile time... Setting 65k objects is very... very.... very time consuming.

If you really had the need to have that many pre-located objects you could easily up it to the 15+ million limit by converting the map to a textfile to be parsed at runtime, or dynamically load the map file itself at runtime... I believe there are a few libraries on that already.