(See the best response by Kaiochao.)
/**Respawn Timer**/
var/T = n.type
var/L = n.home_loc
var/D = n.spawndelay
del n
new T(L)
// .foundTarget(/**/)

Problem description:
Hello there ... I made respawning proc for my ai. But how can I make that new monster will use foundTarget(/**/) proc? I deleted n so n cannot be readed ...

Set n to the "new" expression. Call n.foundTarget.
Could you do example please? I don`t really know what you mean by that.
In response to Phat T
Best response
// n is a var defined above as a monster. 
// At this point, n is null, so reuse it.
n = new T(L)
In response to Phat T
I'm not actually sure what you mean by "new monster will use foundTarget() proc." I just assumed you want it called after the new one is created.