Hey! Me and my buddy Talons235 are programming and busy at it. We have tried many ways and been frustrated for long hours to create a "pressure pad", where the player walks on the icon and it activates something.
What we can do:

Blah blah

We don't want it to be clicked in order to be activated, though. We want it to be:
You walk on the pad, and it activates, no clicks, no other hassles ;)

Wondering if we should approach this through the /turf or the player mob itself... Please any help is appreciated, thanks... :D

icon = 'ppad.dmi'

Entered(atom/a) //once you actually enter a location (atom/a is who entered the location)
if(ismob(a)) //if that atom/a is a mob
world << "you stepped on meh!" //then do whatever you need!
In response to Speedro
Thanks so much! I should have hunted around first before I posted though... Because I just found this in the reference right before you posted :) Thank you for the speedy reply, BYOND coders are always here for me, love the community:D