Is there a way to make a player use a verb on death?
When they die I want one of there verbs to be executed.
Call it in your death check.
In response to Komuroto
I'm not sure how to do that. I tried src.verb. I don't know how I would call it.
In response to Angelsam100
You call it like how you call a procedure (which would be better to use anyways). Though the problem is that none of the arguments will pop up if any are defined (which can simply be solved by defining the variable in the proc/verb and asking them what they want via input/alert),
Thank you! That's exactly what I was looking for.
Why deal with windows when you can just call the actual verb? This seems like an unnecessary amount of work.

test1(t as text)
set hidden=1
usr << "The verb you clicked on called me"
usr << "[usr]: [t]"
test2(t as text)
set name="Test Verb"
test3(t as text)
set name="Through a Proc"

This shows how to call it directly (like a procedure), and how to attach arguments - because like GhostAnime said, the problem is calling a verb will not allow the inputs to go through, unless you send them as arguments yourself.