Could someone explain how i could put this formula into byond?
Shouldn't this be in how-to?

Also, choosing a specific formula (especially one this specific) is rather meaningless unless you properly scale the stats of your monsters, items, ect to match it as well. This is why most people make up their own equations as they go, and balance it through play-testing.

var/experience = 0
for(var/x = 1 to level-1)
experience += round(x + 300*(2**(x/7)))
experience = round(experience/4)
In response to DarkCampainger
Using a loop to calculate experience seems rather silly.

Also, you can change that last statement to:
<code>experience >>= 2</code>
That would be a way more efficient operation than dividing by 4 and then getting the floor. (It gives you the same result, assuming no negative numbers.)

I can't help but think there's some sort of integral Calculus or simplification to remove the need for a loop. But, I'm just being overly analytical.