2.5(x) * (x^2)


How would i put this into byond, and make it follow order of operations?

I assume: 2.5*(src.Level)*(src.Level^2) ?

would that follow order of operations?

I'd like X^2 first, then 2.5*X then [2.5X(X^2)]

The Answer (if my math isnt a failure) should be [2.5X^3]

Example: Level 5 would be 312.5 Exp.

2.5*(src.Level)*(src.Level^2) ? in byond = 2.5(x) * (x^2)
BYOND does indeed follow the proper order of operations.
See here.
However, that code won't do what you expect. The caret (^) is the bitwise exclusive or operator. The exponent operator is '**' in DM.

And, if you are simply squaring an object, it's better to do X * X rather than X ** 2. (Multiplication is a much more efficient operation for the computer to do than an exponential operation.) The same could apply to cubing, etc. (e.g. Use X * X * X instead of X ** 3.)
In response to Complex Robot
so i could do (2.5X)*X*X instead?
In response to Komuroto
You can't just do 2.5X and expect the compiler to interpret that as multiplication. You need to explicitly put 2.5 * X.
In response to Complex Robot
well,Yes obviously.

X is just the stand in for whatever level is being applied.

A number with a variable next to it is implied multiplication.

10X = 10 * X, so i would type out 10 * src.Level

Understand what I mean?

So I'm assuming based off of what you've told me

That I would take (2.5X)*X*X

Ofcourse if its following order of operations then there is no need for () i'm guessing i'd just write it like so:


// or even more simple


if level 50

this would equal 312500 in byond right?
In response to Komuroto
I tested it and the result is indeed 312500.
set category = "Commands"
src << "[2.5*50**3]" // Outputted 312500
In response to Komuroto
As I said. (If you checked the reference link at all. Seriously people need to stop skipping these links. You're asking ridiculously simple questions that are quite easily explained if you stopped for a second and read the reference.)
BYOND follows the regular order of operations, so you don't need the parentheses. And you don't have to ask me if that's the number you'd get. You can check it yourself by making a simple test verb:
#define SQR(X) ( (X) * (X) )
#define CUB(X) ( (X) * SQR(X) )
src << 2.5 * 50 ** 3
src << 2.5 * 50 * 50 * 50
TestLevel(level as num)
src << 2.5 * CUB(level)
In response to Raimo