var/ is there a type 2 text proc anywhere... ?

M.BuildFilledRectangle(locate(min_X,min_Y,1),locate(max_X,max_Y,1),object)//build the object..

Lummox's code, well part of it.

for(T in block(T1,T2)) new item(T)

//Problem: I have compiled and tested around a few different things but have put the problem down to this.

When a player clicks an object, he changes his buildtype to /build/objclicked'sname

now to make objects on a single turf, one can use:

//if(usr.mode=="build")//other modes
var/buildable/o = new;
src <<"[o]" //credit to some lib or demo i found..

Laying this out like this has actually helped me think of a theoretical solution for now; to modify/remake Lummox's proc by replacing, new item(T) into new, but id still love to know how to handle such vars in the future.

Sidenote: this is for a click and drag/fill feature im trying to implement into a mapmaker of my game.