Okay, uhh.. My icon, or.. something has an unintended optical illusion when set to "Stretched". Meaning, the icons stretch. But when on 32x32 per tile, its fine.
Basically, I have a darkness tile, its a transparent black color, but not solid. Its diagonal lines, from bottom left, to top right, skipping a line each time. (So the map beneath can be highlighted!
But, now when the player moves on stretched, it causes flashing, and distortion. It seems like an optical illusion, but since i'm not a focal doctor, I dunno what pattern to use so it WONT do this. Help please?
![]() Nov 11 2010, 1:13 am
Instead of using the pattern of lines (also called a "dither") you can use a semi-transparent icon. Make the icon solid black with an alpha of 128. This will make objects behind it appear darker but won't cause any distortions.
Asellia wrote:
Well, it's because then you can't click the turf underneath them. Which I need in my game. You can. Just configure the object's mouse_opacity. |
Also, to solve your line problem, why not just use transparency instead of using a work-around, since transparency is what you originally wanted?