Ctrl Doesn't work to place an area on another, I think there can only be one. If there can be two on a location, please tell me how.

If not, is there a way I can fill a map with an area, with "Fill" on map making tool, and NOT have it overwrite areas already there? I have a lot of area transitions (teleports), and having to place this new area everywhere is a huge pain, because it'll replace the teleporters.
You may be able to use the find/replace option, but I'm not sure if it works with areas.
Asellia wrote:
Ctrl Doesn't work to place an area on another, I think there can only be one. If there can be two on a location, please tell me how.

Nope, only one turf per location, and each turf can only have one area it belongs to. You cannot have two turfs on a location (layering turfs is a PURELY visual effect), and so you cannot have two areas at one location.

If not, is there a way I can fill a map with an area, with "Fill" on map making tool, and NOT have it overwrite areas already there? I have a lot of area transitions (teleports), and having to place this new area everywhere is a huge pain, because it'll replace the teleporters.

control+H to open the Find and Replace dialog.