I noticed the save file is being saved as -1.sav. Is that normal?

This is how I try to delete the file.
for (var/mob/m)
if (m.ckey == winget(usr, "input2", "text"))

If you want client-side savefiles to work properly you MUST have a valid world.hub value set. The reason it's being named -1.sav is because there's no world.hub value for it to name the file based on.
In response to Nadrew
ahh... well, I did have the world.hub value set but I wasn't sure if I HAD to have the game created in the hub or not. Since saving seemed to work, I thought I didn't have to.

In response to Tsfreaks
Tsfreaks wrote:
ahh... well, I did have the world.hub value set but I wasn't sure if I HAD to have the game created in the hub or not. Since saving seemed to work, I thought I didn't have to.

If the hub entry does not exist, then the value of world.hub pointing to it is by definition not valid.

Lummox JR