I have no idea... I've tried using 'world.SetScores("", "")' To clear everyones scores to nothing... But as I thought, it didn't work!

Anyone know how I can clear the scores? D:
Here you go, three different versions (Personally, version 1 is all you really needed *shrugs*):

Version 1: Clearing the game's hub (assuming that world.hub and world.hub_password is already defined):
if(src.ckey != "key") return // Safety
// The following gets the keys listed and converts it to a list
var/list/L = params2list(world.GetScores())
// Looping through the keys obtained and nulling the scores
for(var/K in L)

Version 2: Defining the HUB + HUB_PASS (Good for accessing other hubs)
if(src.ckey != "key") return // Safety
var/HUB = world.hub
var/HUB_PASS = world.hub_password
var/list/L = params2list(world.GetScores(,,HUB, HUB_PASS))
for(var/K in L)
world.SetScores(K,"", HUB, HUB_PASS)

Version 3: Having an input ask you for the hub + hub_password.
// In case you want to access another hub then the one you are running, simply redefine
// If you want to run for the game itself, you can get rid of the two vars and make it simply var/list/L = params2list(world.GetScores())
if(src.ckey != "key") return // Safety
var/HUB = input(src, "What hub address do you wish to clear?", "Clear hub scores", world.hub) as text|null
if(!HUB) return
var/HUB_PASS = input(src, "What is the hub's password?", "Clear hub scores") as text|null
if(!HUB_PASS) return

// The following gets the keys listed and converts it to a list
var/list/L = params2list(world.GetScores(,,HUB, HUB_PASS))

// Going through the list of keys and deleting all their scores
for(var/K in L)
world.SetScores(K,"", HUB, HUB_PASS)
In response to GhostAnime
Thanks a lot dude xD

This was driving me up the wall :]