Is there anyway to make it go between obj/mobs faster?

I find if im walking around, and i use missle() to send something to me, the projectile chases after me & never seems to catch me until I stop. If i keep sending projectiles at something moving they all swarm in this way.
The pixel_step_size of the object used (either the default for the path or the actual value if you have created an object) will determine the speed of the projectile.

Note that it gets incredibly silly for large values (like, say, 128).
In response to Garthor
Hmm ive experimented with pixel_step_size once before when trying to increase the speed of movement.

Did not have much luck with it, it seemed to have the opposite effect (it made movement slower). Perhaps i just dont understand what im doing haha.

But i did a quick test to see what would happen here, setting the objects pixel_step_size to 32/64/128 before shooting it off towards the moving player. It didnt seem to do anything. It still lagged behind the players movement (which was set to the default pixel_step_size of 0).
In response to EternalDuelistSoul
There is a very noticeable difference between 32, 64, and 128. You probably were not actually using the modified object for the missile() proc.

Anyway, you'll need something higher than 32, as the default command rate is 1 per tick, which amounts to 32 pixels per tick.
In response to Garthor
var/obj/O = new /obj/soul
O.pixel_step_size = 128

Did not seem to make a noticable difference.

As i said thou, even when I set my player's pixel_step_size to 128, things seemed to get slower not faster. Which makes no sense :S since it should have the opposite effect.
