Ok so, I did a quick Forum search and I really didnt see any direct questions about this so I need to post it here...basiclly what Im doing is if a Player moves their mouse over another player, the mouse icon will change to their status, this I can do, however, if all of the Icon states I want to use are in one .dmi file, can I call the icon file, and then call the icon state I want to use?

With this code it only calls the "" state (null) but if I wanted to call the "bad" state, while still calling up the icon how would I do that?

mouse_over_pointer = 'GoodBad.dmi'

I know its missing Mob but just spare me on that and if you know how to do this please help! :3 Thanks for reading and replying!
You can use the icon() procedure:
mouse_icon = icon('file', "state")