Does Java's try/catch or exception handling (or like VBA's Goto Resume Next) exist in DM? I find that sometimes there are parts of a proc that need to happen especially in the case of an error.

Though in the end this would probably get abused and lead to greater sloppiness by just slapping it on anything that doesn't work.
No, there is no real exception system in DM. At the least, it would be nice if a basic setjmp()/longjmp() implementation were available, if not the more advanced throw/catch system, but such a thing is not likely as far as I can tell.
Sadly no, but a most of errors during hosting/playing appear due to null reference, so you can use if() statement, to check if reference exists (it would be like try), and else would be like catch, or you can go straight for var/mob/M if(!M) { /* cough error */ return }