I have an icon that is transparent, and I'm using it as an overlay for a turf.
var/image/i = image('Icons.dmi',src,"water overlay",MOB_LAYER+1)
i.mouse_opacity = 0
overlays += i

When a mob is on water, I can't click on the mob, because the turf's overlay (i) blocks me from clicking the mob.

I have set i's mouse_opacity to 0, but I still can't click the mob.

What do I have to do in order to have a transparent overlay that allows me to click objects beneath it?
if the turf doesnt have any verb try setting the turf's opacity to 0 and see if it works ...
In response to Getenks
Hey, that worked. setting the turf's mouse_opacity to 0 also set the overlay's mouse_opacity to 0.

Interesting. :]

According to the reference, objects of the type image do not feature a mouse_opacity variable, so I'm astonished that this even compiles.
Did you mean to set the atom.mouse_opacity?

*sighs* Too late. Well, I was still searching for links in the reference to back up my statement ;)
In response to Schnitzelnagler
It didn't work; but it sure did compile.
Bug, perhaps?
Give it a try yourself!

P.S. I also tried to use an OBJ as an overlay (instead of image/i, obj/i) and it still didn't work, so. Hmm!
In response to Gooseheaded
This is probably because overlays blend onto the icon and aren't separate objects.