Keywords: full, game, help, screen
(See the best response by Ssj4justdale.)
Alright, I'm trying to get my game to cover the full map window, without it rendering horribly.

Gameplay:Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Interface:Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Any advice?
Best response
It seems like that it already is??
Anyway, you can fool around with that there or you can fool around with these type of codes.

client/view=5 //by default, client.view is world.view, but can be altered.

/*Default value:
Possible values:
-1 to 34 or "WIDTHxHEIGHT"
This is the default map viewport range. The default value of 5 produces an 11x11 viewport. A value of -1 turns off the map display altogether. The client may automatically scale down icons in order to conveniently fit the map on the player's screen.

For non-square views, you can assign this to a text string of the form "WIDTHxHEIGHT". For example, "11x11" is equivalent to a view depth of 5, but you could make it wider like this: "13x11".

This setting also affects the default range of the view(), oview(), range(), and orange() procedures.

If the entire map is small enough to fit on one screen (arbitrarily defined to be 21x21 or less), the default view is automatically adjusted to fit the map. In this case, client.lazy_eye is also automatically turned on by default, since you probably don't want the map to scroll around.
Thank you.
No problem :)