Naruto, Call Of Shinobi: Anbu Blackops

by Zerok Kaiba
Naruto, Call Of Shinobi: Anbu Blackops
War is a-foot! Heroes, Villains, Akatsuki. Choose your side in this new original Naruto Sidescroller!
Have to change my time from anytime to available at 4:30 and so on.
I thought i'd just make this clear. I saw the message where if GeM did not sign up for the CW's they'd be disqualified. Well, I have good news for our competitors. The only member I have seen is A player named Samehada, so it's safe to assume our clan's out of Zerok that's a fair warning.

P.S:It isn't my clan, but if you can't keep in touch with your member's its clear something's up.
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