Event Jun 11 2014, 12:00 pm
to Jun 12 2014, 12:00 pm
Keywords: , party, prom
Hi guys.
i am making a Birthday + a Prom on my game
there will be lot's there , dueling games + songs +songs and singers + and more
The Party will start on my game TWW at byond.com/games/maxsteel13/TWCbeta , it will start at 6/12/2014 4PM EGY [sorry i work with my timezone only]
and the birthday boy is David (chacuya34) and i hope you guys come and join
if you would like to sing or just show your favorite song there and dance just PM me with your key , what you will do , and your stuff in the game (e.x : your house and your cKey and your name)
Enjoy all , Max.

P.S : idk if i will give you all prizes like a byond member ship , i will think about the prize.
P.S : i am still looking for hosters
In response to Maxsteel13
Maxsteel13 wrote:
P.S : i am still looking for hosters

i have found a hoster , the IP of the server may be same on byond.com/games/maxsteel13/TWCbeta , IP server byond://