Before you post anything pay close attention:
How do i make it so a list can have all the servers hosted??

In this way, i want it so that all online servers will apply to this list.
world/OpenPort(c)//When its hosted
world.status="<server>byond://[world.address]:[world.port]</server>" //This will make te new server using <server> to define it later on
var/list/servers=list() //Server List
var/http=world.Export("")//get INFO
var/content=file2text(http["CONTENT"])//Make it into text
for(findtext(content,"<server>"))//My Problem lies here, what do i do here so that every server live will be added to this list?

There's a handy but little known feature for hub entries that lets you view them in text-mode.

The format of this page is actually BYOND savefile format, so once you get the content of the page you can pass it through ImportText(), convert it to a /savefile and then use savefile reading methods on it.

I actually posted a snippet on the forums a while back that'll set you on the right path. ID:639687
In response to Nadrew
Thankyou, this helped! I got it now xD. o.0 i learned something new today. Lol.
I made this library a while back, which lets you do retrieve information on the servers being hosted.