(See the best response by LordAndrew.)
Is it considered illegal to have a donation button written "Please Help us by donating!" illegal in ANY way?!
Best response
This is probably a pretty grey area in terms of legality, since it seems like it would depend on the context of what the donations are for (server upkeep? going straight into the developers' pockets?). The owners of the intellectual property could very well take you to court over it (though they could do this at any time if you create a derivative of their intellectual property). I am not a lawyer however, so if you want a definitive answer I would suggest speaking to an attorney who specializes in copyright/trademark laws.
You can't make money off of it in any way possible.
If the money is going to the server. And not a single bit of that money ends up anywhere else, I believe it is still not counted as making money and it should be legitimate.

Asked myself this question some time ago, so that's just my idea of how it works.