Need to rattle your brains fellow BYOND coders, I've hit a stump!

Is there a way to add things to client.screen when your eye is in a different place.

For example, Your mob is in a grassy field somewhere, and your client.eye is on a screen on a different Z layer. How can I add an object only the client can see to the screen, seems using client.eye is only visible when the client can see the mob.
This is a strange problem, do you think it might be a bug?

Either way, you can use /image objects and position them in certain areas. Then, you can output them to the client.
You probably need to change your client's perspective?
In response to Foomer
You have two different perspectives you can change to, EYE_PERSPECTIVE which you need anyway if not screen goes black, and EDGE_PERSPECTIVE which doesn't help anyway :P
In response to Jeff8500
How would I go bout doing that then? :P (Is a 4.0 noob)
In response to DarkBelthazor
Images aren't exactly a 4.0 thing, to my knowledge.

var/image/I = image('icon.dmi',locate(1,1,1))
src << I //only src can see the image

I suggest looking up the image() proc, as well as the /image object in general.