i've tryed everything but nothing works for me...
how do i make so the stats shows under the map in the skin editor?

what do you mean there like have it where the stats show up on the map, or do you just want to make the stat window not visible
In response to NightJumper88
i want it under the map, to remove it from the tab place and place it somewhere else like under the map...
In response to Enic
Place your info control underneath the map >_>
In response to Jeff8500
isnt working...? and how do i do it with a new window...
In response to Enic
(I doubt this is the problem but umm...) Have you set the Info Control to default?

In response to Haywire
ye i tryed that... do u guys even understand what i ment...? and how do i make so it even shows somewhere in the game...?

well but what i mean is to show the hp,exp, lvl and all that stuff under the map or somewhere in the game... i have a tab called "stats"... but how do i make it on another place for example under the map...
In response to Enic
Do you mean Multiple Info Controls?

In response to Enic
Do you want to move the stats tab out of the Info box? If so, I suggest looking up Lummox JR's interface guide.
In response to Demon_F0rce
ye kinda, k, ill read whole his guide... i tryed it once but got tired of the hard work of it and only completed like lession 1 ^^