Hi, long time no see, i havent been here in around a year or so, and likewise with the DM language..

i want to have several buttons in one area on my skin for my game, with three categories;

1) Battle
-By clicking this button it will auto-hide any showing buttons, and show the Battle buttons such as, "Attack" and skills and others.

2) Equipment
-By clicking this button it will auto-hide any showing buttons, and show the Equipment buttons and Equipped Equipment, such buttons would be "Equip" "Un-Equip" and others.

3) Misc.
-By clicking this button it will auto-hide any showing buttons, and show the Misc. buttons, such as "Say" "Emote" "Trade" and others

but my problem is; i dont know how to do the hide/show part, and i was thinking that with the whole showing equipment part id use a Grid, but i wouldent know how to do that.

if you guys could help me a bit with this id be very very thankful ^__^

Personally, I would do this all with panes and a child or two. All you have to do is use winset() to change a child's left or right param to the pane you want to show.
In response to Jeff8500
hmm if i use winset(src,"") how do i set the is-visible to false? also, would the is-visible thing actually work or am i just wasting my time trying it?
In response to VolksBlade
is-visible=false. If that doesn't work, then it just doesn't work (it should though, as far as I'm concerned).