Bumping again.
Instead of changing precedence of the logical NOT operator (because we KNOW that will break code somewhere, why not create a contains() function on lists? !list.contains(x) will work as expected. Did in ever get fixed Sayu?
I know I should probably have waited another year before bumping this thread just to make it every two years since 2014 but I was passing by.
SS13 put this in our linter long while back because it sucks
Hiiii it's your old friend still hanging in there after all these years! You look good! Still young, like absolutely nothing has changed after all these years!
var/list/L1 = list(1)
var/list/L2 = list(2)
var/list/L3 = list(L1,L2)
world << "L1: list(1); L2: list(2); L3: list(L1,L2)"
world << "1) 1 in L1: [1 in L1]"
world << "2) 2 in L2: [2 in L2]"
world << "3) 1 in L1 || 2 in L2: [1 in L1 || 2 in L2]"
world << "4) L1 || 2: [L1 || 2]"
world << "5) L1 || 2 in L2: [L1 || 2 in L2]"
world << "6) L1 || 2 in L3: [L1 || 2 in L3]"
world << "7) L2 in L3 in L1: [L2 in L3 in L1]"
world << "8) 1 in L1 && 1: [1 in L1 && 1]"

L1: list(1); L2: list(2); L3: list(L1,L2)
1) 1 in L1: 1
2) 2 in L2: 1
3) 1 in L1 || 2 in L2: 0
4) L1 || 2: /list
5) L1 || 2 in L2: 0
6) L1 || 2 in L3: 1

7) L2 in L3 in L1: 1
8) 1 in L1 && 1: 0
So, here's the problem: This was actually discussed in BYONDiscord recently, and it turns out that changing the precedence of the in operator isn't a good idea. Tom had thought it might be doable, although I was always worried it would break existing code. Having delved into this further, I think part of your request might be possible but dangerous, and a related issue is not possible at all.

First let's dive into the related problem of the ! operator. if(!a in b) doesn't work the same as if(!(a in b)), which is what people usually want instead, and they run into a lot of problems that way. It'd be great if they didn't have to worry about the parentheses. The problem comes in here:
if(thing in inventory + trade)

That's a legitimate construction, and it treats the if() as if(thing in (inventory + trade)) because the in operator has the lowest precedence. We definitely need + to be a higher precedence than in.

The ! operator has nearly the highest precedence, because it binds very tightly to things. Therefore we can say ! > + > in.

Now consider where the in operator were bound tighter than the ! oeprator, so in > !. This is an intransitive ordering because ! > + and we still need + > in. There's no way for the in operator to move above the ! operator because it would be intransitive.

The || and && operators aren't quite so bad, because their precedence is much lower, but I still worry about the impact this would have on code.
I know there were other posts in this thread that suggested things like !in, but I would be happy with only the shortcutting logic operators being affected.

When you look at the examples, you can see just how out-of-order your logic has to be in order for the current order of operations to make sense. I for one will happily use logic shortcutting in assignment (x=dubious_var || default) and in general statement construction (doThing() || return), so I'm not saying "It should serve its original purpose and no other".

But a || b in c equating to (a in c) for all logically-true values of a is horrifying.
Just as a side note, let me point out that `in` isn't even listed in the operator precedence list in the Ref
In response to Exxion
Exxion wrote:
Just as a side note, let me point out that `in` isn't even listed in the operator precedence list in the Ref

I'm addressing that in 515's ref.
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