I need help i am trying to make a bingo book that automatically puts people on the list and changes there rank if they get weaker or stronger than another one on the list.

I also wanted it to show Their Name Rank(I.E. Gennin) Village and Bounty

Can someone show me how to do this?
If you mean for in-game, you can use an associated list or multidimensional list for the rankings in game. Then, in the World/Del() proc, you can dump the rankings list into a savefile and load in in World/New().
In response to Jeff8500
umm......what? lol
can you just type out the code....makes things easier lol
In response to Zizwa
No, it really isn't that difficult. Write out the code yourself. People aren't to keen to write your game for you.
In response to Giantpandaman
but some people are....
In response to Zizwa
Well, for starters, a bingo book can take a lot of work, depending on how you want it done. Two, I couldn't have done it without specifics. Three, I wouldn't have done it for you anyway, as you should learn instead of having someone else do it for you.
In response to Zizwa
Normally the code is written for people if they ask in a very polite way, and what they are asking is relatively simple to do or very complicated, and can only properly be explained in code. Even if any cod is provided, you should re-write it slightly different to make it mesh perfectly with your own coding styles.
In response to Zizwa
Zizwa wrote:
but some people are....

With a can do attitude like that the game your making will be done in no time!!...
In response to Giantpandaman
and i would but i dont even know where to begin with that code
In response to Zizwa
I'll help you out, I think I can:

if(src.wanted == 1) = 1

wanted = 0
bingo = 0
wanted_name = "[]"

statpanel("Bingo Book")
if( == 1)

That should help you out a little bit, I'm not too good with the Bingo Books, but this should help you get the point.
In response to Hi1
That code is bad.
In response to Popisfizzy
Popisfizzy wrote:
That code is bad.

xD I said I'm not that good, but that should help him get the point, I knew it woulden't work, but it should help.
I'm not quite sure how you want it to work, but this is one way, using a datum:
var/bingo_book/bingo_book = new

list/players[0] //The players on the list. The list
//is ordered such that the lowest
//rank is last.
cutoff = 0 //The rank that they must be to get on
//the list.

if(m.rank <= cutoff)
//If the rank is less than or equal to the
//cutoff, then the mob can't be added to the
return 0 //Indicate success.

if(m in players)
//If the player is already in the list,
//remove them.
players -= m

//This finds the position the player should be
//added to the list.
var/position = players.len
for(position, position > 1, position --)
var/mob/n = players[position]
if(n.rank >= m.rank) break

//Insert the player at the next index after the
//one found.
players.Insert(position + 1, m)
return 1 //Indicate failure.

var/rank = 0

rank ++ //Gain a rank.

bingo_book.Insert(src) //Insert the player into the
//bingo book.


statpanel("Bingo Book") //Creates a panel for the

var/counter = 0 //Creates a counter.
for(var/mob/m in bingo_book.players)
//This displays the player with a counter, then
//their name and their rank.
stat(++ counter, "[] ([m.rank])")

I don't know anything about Bleach, so I don't know if this is how the bingo book thingy works. This is my best attempt, though.
In response to Popisfizzy
Popisfizzy wrote:
I don't know anything about Bleach, so I don't know if this is how the bingo book thingy works. This is my best attempt, though.

Due to this post being about a bingo book for a naruto game, I am fairly amused.
In response to Giantpandaman
Whatever; then Naruto. I hate both regardless.
In response to Popisfizzy
Popisfizzy wrote:
Whatever; then Naruto. I hate both regardless.
