Jus' because I haven't used them in so long, and experimenting is a luxury i have no time for, in a text string how do I do if's in the square brackets?

world << "1+1=[if(1+1=2)WHAT??]"
obviously isnt how, example of what i need xD
DarkBelthazor wrote:
Jus' because I haven't used them in so long, and experimenting is a luxury i have no time for, in a text string how do I do if's in the square brackets?

world << "1+1=[if(1+1=2)WHAT??]"
obviously isnt how, example of what i need xD

world << "1+1=[(1+1==2 ? 2 : "Sanity Check Fails")]"

Try that. Look up the ? operator in DM reference.

Essentially, you can shortcut an if statement into

BooleanCheck ? True : False

Generally you'll want to enclose that in parenthesis as I did above to avoid conflicting and confusing order of operations stuff.

Also, your check of "1+1=2" will not work, as the = sign is the assignment operator. Essentially you're trying to assign the value of 2 to the 1 on the other side of the = sign . . . and DM will yell at you :) To compare values, use a double = sign (1+1==2 should always return 1, or TRUE).
In response to CriticalBotch
lol, tried the double equals and it said bad expression =P but your example works, cheers!, how do you do else ifs then? :S lke, ummmm, if 1+1=2 do this, else if 1+1=3 do this, else, jus do this xD
In response to DarkBelthazor
DarkBelthazor wrote:
lol, tried the double equals and it said bad expression =P but your example works, cheers!, how do you do else ifs then? :S lke, ummmm, if 1+1=2 do this, else if 1+1=3 do this, else, jus do this xD

In a similar manner:

world<<"This should say 1: [(1+0==3 ? 3 : (1+0==2 ? 2 : (1+0==1 ? 1 : "ERROR") ) )]"

Remember that
boolean ? TRUE : FALSE

is simply a short hand for the if-then structure.

is the same as

and as such you can replace the TRUE or FALSE with additional statements, including further if statements.
In response to CriticalBotch
thanks heh =P never bothered learning bout ? operators etc, never needed to, XD