I need a rocket launcher code please!
Look up projectiles in resources, their will be a ton of stuff their.
In response to Giantpanda
Nope no codes!
The forums aren't here for people to write games for you, we're here to point you in the right direction. If you can show that you've made an effort to try yourself and are stuck with a particular problem, then you'll get a lot more help with what you need, but if you simply ask for people to do work for you, the respect won't come so easy...
There is no such thing as "a code" in programming. There can be a million different way to do one thing, and, while there may be methods that are best, there is no one correct way to do it. The way it ends up being done is entirely dependent on how your system is supposed to work, along with its interaction with other code.
In response to IDWMno
I was trying to politely respond, seeing as how projectiles are fairly difficult to newbies(In my opinion), and often much easier to learn from a decent source seeing as will tell you the correct way to do something rather than trying to find it out for yourself.. If you had searched In resources for projectiles there are many good libraries for them. Unless your using some sort of whack idea for how to use rockets, one will be their.

Look harder, the right library is there.
Here you go!