Problem description:I'm trying to create a turn based multiplayer online rpg where players can fight everyone including the monsters/beasts and each other. I need a way to keep track of turns and teams. Teamates can't attack each other. But different teams and people with no teams can attack each other. You see the thing is I need something to keep track of turns for everyone who engages others. I can only do it for single player or teams against monsters by making one person the leader of the team and checking its variable with the variable of each person. But I can't think of a way to keep track of every person's encounters with others. Is this where I use a datum? Maybe I need to create a datum that has lists of list for teams? The thing is I'm not good with datums yet. I didn't get the hang of them yet.
You're using datums already. That is what mob, obj, turf, and area are, children of /datum.

Have you read this dream tutor article yet?