How would i go about making a area that checks the persons gender and if its the specifyed gender it lefts them through but for the other gender it stops them and re-boundes them, kinda like this:

| = area
M = male
F = female
/ = wall

| <---->M
| <--F

In that demo the female would have been the specifyed gender that was able to go through and the male gender wouldent have been able to go through and had gotten rebounded to his last position like shown in demo.

If you know what i mean and how to help me please post back asap PLEASE.
The rebounded thing doesn't make much sense. However, creating an area that only a certain gender can enter is simple (in fact, any set of simple conditions is easy).

//called when something attempts to enter this area
//M is not necessarily a mob, we have to check if it is
//check M's gender
if(M.gender == "female")
//if it's acceptable, return ..() allow normal rules of entry
return ..()
//if it's unacceptable, return 0 to deny entry
return 0
//if M isn't a mob, then we won't really care about its gender
return ..()

Note that Enter() is not a proc that you want to DO anything in. It shouldn't say "girls only" or teleport the mob or anything of the sort. It exists ONLY to check whether or not something CAN enter. Returning 1 allows entry, returning 0 denies entry, and returning ..() uses the default (or previously overridden) rules to entry to apply (the default is: no more than one dense object at a location).