Let's suppose my mob has var/obj/Pie.
He picks up a /obj/pie/Strawberry_Pie, and automatically, usr.Pie = src (usr being the mob, src being the Strawberry_Pie).

Now, I want my "pie inventory" to be shown on a HTML window.

Wouldn't it be like this?
src << browse("<b>Your Pie Is:</b> \icon[Pie]","window=PieMenu")

Because I have tried doing this, but it doesn't work.
Also, if I have to use rsc_browse(), how would I implement it in the code?

Thanks! :)
Basically, you use browse_rsc() to give a name to a resource you want to use in your HTML.

src << browse_rsc(Pie.icon,"pieicon")
src << browse("<b>Your Pie Is:</b> <img src='pieicon'>","window=PieMenu")

The reference gives a similar example here.
In response to DerDragon
Yeah, I KNEW there was something to do with rsc_browse()..

Thanks! :)