I made a combat system where, there are some basic attacks and blocks. The problem is I have no clue how to design them so mobs can block and attack against players. I want to make it so combat starts when you click the mob. The basic combat commands are:
Parry High(Blocks Punches, Roundhouse)
Parry Low (blocks sweep)

I need to know how to make it so mobs will have a good chance of blocking then attacking the player.
Use rand() to determine wether or not they get hit.
In response to Dice1989
i know, but like me try to break it down easier

You click the sweep button okay, and it will send a input message to you like this

You begin a low motion sweep......

Now The player or mob has 3 seconds to click parry low so that it blocks that attack


If they parried on time
You parry [M]'s Sweep.
and if they dont hit it rigt
[M]'s sweep hits you for [1,000] damage.

I just need to no a Mob system that lets them chance to block and how to make them to attack.
In response to Rikishi
In response to Rikishi
This is untested and since I'm about to go to school, not enough time. use this only as an example
mob/verb/Sweep(mob/M in get_step(usr,usr.dir)) //Does a sweeping attack to a mob your facing and is one step away.
if(usr.sweeping)return //if the user is already sweeping then return
view(6)<<"[]: Sweeping" //Tells everyone in the users view six spaces away that the user is sweeping.
usr.sweeping=1 //changed the sweeping variable to one
sleep(30) // sleeps for 3 seconds
if(M.parrylow) // if the person you are trying to sweep is parrying.
view(6)<<"[]: blocks []'s sweep!" //tells everyone in the users view six spaces away that M blocks your attack.
M.parrylow=0 // changes M's parrylow variable to 0
usr.sweeping=0 //changes the user's sweeping variable to 0
else // if M.parrylow=0
usr.sweeping=0 // the user's sweeping variable is changed to one
del(M) // and M gets deleted =P.

mob/verb/Parry_Low() // Parry Low verb
if(usr.parrylow)return //if the usr is already parrying low, then return.
view(6)<<"[]: Low Parry"
usr.parrylow=1 //changes user's parrylow to 1
sleep(30) // sleeps for 3 seconds
if(usr.parrylow) // if the user's parrylow var is still true
usr.parrylow=0 //change it to 0
In response to Enfini-Desu
that works..but i still need a way to make combat start for NPC like a click button that makes them not able to move or anything.
In response to Rikishi