Hello I know this maybe the wrong place to post this, but after all it is "How To.." so I think it covers asking what a function does..

Ok I've looked everywhere and on th DMguide and I can't seem to figure out what the "usr.selhair" function does..

Could somone give me a comment on what it does and what it can be used for....

Thanks for reading..
There's no selhair var, and you can test it:

usr.selhair ++

It should give a 'undefined var' error. D:
In response to DivineO'peanut
I believe that Nexus has a source code which he/she does not understand absolutely at all... as I believe sellhair is a VARIABLE in that source code and this proves that...well, nvm, you get the idea.

usr.selhair does whatever the purpose of the variable is, which we do not know of... since it is a 'custom' variable and not a built-in one.

- GhostAnime