All i want to do, is so when the user locates into this certain room, the eye moves to the center of your screen, while your character is still up in the corner... How would i do that?
Change client.eye. Simple.
In response to Jp
It still doesn't work... look here:
icon = 'Finished.dmi'
usr.loc = locate(8,8,4)
client.eye = locate(1,1,1)
else alert(usr,"You have not selected a character yet! Please select a character to continue.")
In response to Speedro
In response to Jp
One more question: How do i make it so the eye is back to normal?
In response to Speedro
Change it back to the mob.
In response to Jp
What do you mean?
In response to Speedro
He means that you need to relocate the eye on the mob.
Yeah, could you show me how to do that?
In response to Speedro
usr.client.eye = usr.client.mob

In response to DivineO'peanut
Change it back to
 usr.client.eye = usr.client.mob

Go die.