I was going down the forums and I saw this...
 proc/get_n_steps(targ, dir, dist)
//This is like get_step, but it can get a tile X steps away
. = targ
for(var/index = 1 to dist)
. = get_step(., dir)

//once you get to the point where you want to try and get to a spot to shoot at the target, assuming you have one
distance = get_dist(src, target)
//sweet_spots list keeps track of the 4 locations the object could shoot from
list/sweet_spots = list(\
get_n_steps(target, NORTH, distance),\
get_n_steps(target, SOUTH, distance),\
get_n_steps(target, EAST, distance),\
get_n_steps(target, WEST, distance))
target_loc; T
for(var/turf/spot in sweet_spots)
//This loop finds the closest location of the 4 in sweet_spots
if(!spot) continue
T = spot
if(get_dist(src, spot) < get_dist(src, T))
T = spot
distance = get_dist(target, T)
var/direction = get_dir(target, T)
target_loc = target
for(var/index = 1 to distance)
//This loop makes sure the shots aren't obstructed.
//For instance, if there is a wall in the way, this will make it move to the correct side of the wall.
var/turf/temp = target_loc
target_loc = get_step(target_loc, direction)
target_loc = temp
if(target_loc == target)
//This will only happen if the target creature is adjacent to a wall on the side attempting to move to.
//If that happens, obviously you can't shoot it from that side and have to get on a different side of it.
//It gets a different angle by removing T from sweet_spots and checking for the best target location again.
goto Retry
//if it gets in here but bypasses the above if statement, you can't get to the target
//I don't know what you'd want in such a case though
step_to(src, target_loc)
//And there you have it, the AI-controlled object moves toward the appropriate location.
I can't understand that at all! (by the way... This is:Loduwijk's work...) How do people make sence of all of this???
Mainly by looking at the already build-in procs in the reference that were used in that piece of coding. Then understand the procs he made, and understand for what that can be used.
It looks like some sort of pathfinding. I understand some of it, but I don't really know what it does. get_n_steps is obvious.

There is the word "Retry" in the middle of no where. Is that meant to be used in a goto statement? I don't see one, though.

Reguardless, goto shouldn't be used.

Actually, it looks like it would be a code to place monsters in a place where they could shoot at the players without any interference from dense objects by looking at the comments.
CaptFalcon33035 wrote:
There is the word "Retry" in the middle of no where. Is that meant to be used in a goto statement? I don't see one, though.

It's right in the middle!

Speedro wrote:
>         //It gets a different angle by removing T from sweet_spots and checking for the best target location again.
> if(sweet_spots.len)
> sweet_spots.Remove(T)
> goto Retry
In response to CaptFalcon33035
Ctrl+F my friend, Ctrl+F.
In response to Hell Ramen
I didn't know that worked within the DM tags. That's pretty sweet to know.