BYOND(348.905) ERROR: maximum number of lists exceeded (65535)!
runtime error: cannot append to list
proc name: CheckAdmin (/proc/CheckAdmin)
source file: Admin,150
usr: Xkirby2 (/mob)
src: null
call stack:
CheckAdmin(Xkirby2 (/mob))
Xkirby2 (/mob): Login()
runtime error: cannot append to list
proc name: Character Check (/mob/proc/Character_Check)
source file: Code,5
usr: Xkirby2 (/mob)
src: Xkirby2 (/mob)
call stack:
Xkirby2 (/mob): Character Check()
Xkirby2 (/mob): Login()
runtime error: cannot append to list
proc name: GiveBuildVerbs (/mob/proc/GiveBuildVerbs)
source file:,81
usr: Xkirby2 (/mob)
src: Xkirby2 (/mob)
call stack:
Xkirby2 (/mob): GiveBuildVerbs(Xkirby2 (/mob))
Xkirby2 (/mob): Login()*/

Problem description:

For some reason, I get these runtime errors when I login. Also, I don't even have CLOSE to as many lists as it says. What's wrong?
Perhaps you have a list that is too long. A rogue loop could be the problem.
Ok, I fixed the other problems, now it just says:

//BYOND(348.905) ERROR: maximum number of lists exceeded (65535)!
In response to Xkirby2
Why was this moved to How-To? I think it belongs in Code Problems. And what do you mean "rogue loop"? (I'm helping code the game, that's why I'm asking for X)
In response to KirbyRules
KirbyRules wrote:
Why was this moved to How-To? I think it belongs in Code Problems.

There was no code. Hence, it does not.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Then move it to BYOND Bug Reports or something. He's not really asking how to do anything, unless you count asking how to fix the error.
In response to KirbyRules
KirbyRules wrote:
Then move it to BYOND Bug Reports or something. He's not really asking how to do anything, unless you count asking how to fix the error.

This is not a bug, this can't be a code problem unless he provides some sort of block/snippet. And we can't fix what we can't see, please keep that in mind.
In response to Cheetoz
Well, what should we be looking for that might cause this sort of "glitch"?
In response to KirbyRules
One common cause of a "too many lists" error is giving every turf in the world its own list. But there are dozens of other likely reasons.

Look at where you're using lists in your code. At least one of those places is going to be misbehaving and producing lots and lots of lists.
In response to Crispy
Hmm...Well, the only BIG list we have is a map saving system that put's all of the objects that were built into a list. We took that out, but we still had the problem.
In response to KirbyRules
Sorry for the double post but we fixed the bug. All we had to do was change a certain teleport in the game from a turf to a mob and the whole thing works now. THAT'S FREAKY!! We change 4 letters and the whole thing works! Man, coding is confusing.