How do you make a verb that allows the user to type what he/she wants to the view, world, etc.?
World_Say(T as text)
world << "[src] says [T]"
In response to Derekjeterisgod
In response to Pallens
To allow the messege to only be sent everyone in the players view do this:

Say(T as text)
view()<< "[src] says [T]"

In response to Yami_Marik0
Let me give you a commented example:
mob //a mob, check the dm reference to understand better.
verb // your verb.
say(msg as text) //the verb say, define text as "msg"
switch(input("choose who to display this","choose") in list ("world","view"))
//give the player an option to choose who to display this message.
if("world")world<<"[src]: [msg]"//if he picked "world", send it to the world
else view()<<"[src]: [msg]"//if not, send it to everyone in sight.