The statpanel() proc returned false for webclients, which have no concept of "current panel". It now returns true for webclients.
BYOND Version:507.1256
Operating System:Windows 8 64-bit
Web Browser:Firefox 31.0
Applies to:Webclient
Status: Resolved (507.1257)

This issue has been resolved.
Descriptive Problem Summary:

The 'Players' tab in Una is blank instead of showing the players.

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:

1) Join Una.
2) Check Players tab.

Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:

Expected Results:

Actual Results:

Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often? Every time.
In other games? Unsure.
In other user accounts? Yes.
On other computers? Yes.

When does the problem NOT occur?

Seems consistent.

Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? (Visit to download old versions for testing.)


Join in DS.

We saw the same issue in Bunniflip. Oddly, the first panel in Una did work (showing both icons and text), but none of the panels worked in Bunniflip. It may have something to do with the status. Will investigate tomorrow...
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
The statpanel() proc returned false for webclients, which have no concept of "current panel". It now returns true for webclients.