:( so what not my fault I only knew of byond for like a year plus i changed keys
listen could u please start taking us seriously? when we make our game will u finaly believe that we're for real?
We will believe you are real when you stop typing leikz dis.
Okay Ill type like you guys do. Now do you believe that wer'e a legit game company?
Nope, but you do seem a tad more intelligent.
Okay well we'll prove you wrong when we finish our game! Its gonna revolutionize byond!






legit game company?


bunch of buffoons?
Wildrogue, I was trying to go easy on them :(
You go girl.
Ha ha.
UFP, no game you make is going to revolutionize BYOND. No game ANYONE makes is going to. The only people that are going to revolutionize BYOND are, in fact, the people that are developing BYOND itself.
ufp mi wntz gm il be gud nd only edti fredns nd onli bn ppl tat *cum(ew) on the game(ewwwwww)*

Note: Areas marked with asterisks may contain peanuts.

Edit: Not peanuts, but twisted sexual wordplay.

Editx2: and peanuts