not really a question on coding, but on icons. can someone give me a link to a site that has the MJ spell icons?
...why do you even ask? theyre going to tell you to make your own -.-
In response to Nukes4U
Mystic Journey...I'm guessing
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
I know the site but giving you it would be starting a new mystic journey
Just search the web for RPGmaker sites, since every icon in the game is from RPGMaker.
In response to RaditzX
I just read this post now, and i have to know: how is asking for some decent-looking spell icons for my game "starting another MJ"?(Sorry to bump this, but im seriously pissed off right now. I have just downloaded about 3 RPG maker sets, and each one is the same thing. Plus they took a shitload of time to download, overall costing me about 8 hours of my life. Sorry again)
In response to Reinhartstar
<raised eyebrow> </raised eyebrow>

There are chipsets, which work as turfs and objs. There are charsets that work as mob icons. Then there are some charsets that also have non-people icons, such as doors with an open and closed state or magical effects. If you look hard enough, you'll find it.