How would i go about coding the a HTML popup window that allows the player to start a new character and load them? In detail, what i mean is, The mob would Login, and from then an HTML popup window would appear, containing a link that said New Game, and then had a table with Load Game on top. Inside the table would be all the character the mob has created thus far, and there levels displayed next to it.
when a player clicks on the character name, the window closes and the character loads. However, when the mob clicks new game, the window displays a textbox that a player must type their name into, then below a list of all the classes with a checkbox next to the,. When the checkmark is clicked(by checkmark i mean the dots in proelium), it checks, and if another is check, the old one unchecks and the new one checks. There will also be a Help button on the other side of the class name that, when clicked, brings up a window with details on the class. Finally, when the "Begin New Game" button is clicked, the player starts the game with the selected name and the currently checked class. The players new charater is then added to the Load screen.

Can someone please tell me how to begin doing this, as well as telling me how to get started on memerising HTML?
You create a form and using Dantom's htmllib library can be used to display the form.

The form should be a datum.