how would you set an aura behind the character
Set the layer of the aura to be less than that of the character. You can also set it to be the characters layer minus 1.
In response to Nick231
Or use underlays?
In response to N1ghtW1ng
Even using underlays, they can still appear above a character.
Pyromaniac6254 wrote:
how would you set an aura behind the character

usr.underlay += 'something.dmi'
In response to Nick231
Its an underlay..why would it appear over the character in any case?
In response to Jay1
Nick, thats an OVERLAY not an UNDERLAY, anyway,
do as Crzylme said:
usr.underlay += 'blah.dmi'
and for a OVERlay
usr.overlay += 'blah.dmi'

In response to Element Games
how do i set this as a verb though like aura on, or off
In response to Pyromaniac6254
make a var called auraon and set it to be 0 originaly and make a verb called aura on and off so when u click on it adds the aura on and makes aura on = 1 if auraon = 0 if auraon = 1 it does nothing. then on aura off if auraon = 1 it takes it off and make auraon = 0 an dif auraon = 0 then it does nothing, do you understand?

Pyromaniac6254 wrote:
how would you set an aura behind the character
mob/var/Aura = null

if(src.Aura == null)
src.underlays += 'Aura.dmi'
src.Aura = 1
src << "You already have an aura!"

if(src.Aura == 1)
src.underlays -= 'Aura.dmi'
src.Aura = null
src << "You don't have an aura!"