Keywords: overlays, statpanel
BYOND Version:507
Operating System:Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
Web Browser:Firefox 32.0
Applies to:Webclient
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Object Overlays in Statpanel not showing up:

1. Give an object an overlay
2. Have that object show in the statpanel.
(Example: if somebody were to use the statpanel to show their inventory and an equipped item has some sort of overlay, it will not show the overlay.)

Expected Results:
It should still show an object's overlays in the statpanel.

Actual Results:
Any overlays added to an object will not show up.

This happened every time on Last of the Living with my account, two guest accounts, my Win 7 home premium 64-bit desktop (firefox, chrome, and IE), my Win 8.1 64-bit 2 in 1 (firefox), and my Android phone (firefox)

This is my first test of the web client so I am unsure if this is a new issue and I am unsure how it would be fixed.
Ah, I know what's happening. The icon displayed in the statpanel is just a single icon, and it doesn't bother to send along the overlay info. There is a client-side routine that can be used to grab info about the overlays if they're known from the map; however it'd probably make sense to send the overlay info directly with the stat message in case the atom isn't map-visible.
In response to Lummox JR
Dang, I only half followed this. Got lost about here...
There is a client-side routine that can be used to grab info about the overlays if they're known from the map

But yes the atom I am using (not the example before) is an icon of player's faces to show better customization since it is a top down game and the overlays are the cosmetic items and features. So, like you said, the atom doesn't show up on the map. I don't really know how to work around that but it is nothing I am really upset about.

Glad to see the web client doing so well though. During my test of it, I didn't have any sort of crazy spiking or noticeably high cpu usage.