Heres what i need to know: Can someone please tell me how to code it so that there is a spiked human compactor that opens and closes toward each other slowly. I need to know how to code it so that the compactor opens and closes, and if a mob happens to be crushed between the two walls when the close together, the mob dies, the the wall moves back. Thanks in advance.
Reinhartstar wrote:
Heres what i need to know: Can someone please tell me how to code it so that there is a spiked human compactor that opens and closes toward each other slowly. I need to know how to code it so that the compactor opens and closes, and if a mob happens to be crushed between the two walls when the close together, the mob dies, the the wall moves back. Thanks in advance.

Quite a brutal request. :) Is it made of two objects many turfs apart, or one object in one turf?

In response to Gazoot
Two obejcets moving together then back into there original place before closing again.
In response to Reinhartstar
What you could do is make one obj which keeps switching icon states.

When a mob bumps into it(and considering the icon state is the one which kills you), move the mob swiftly to the position of the obj and then kill it.