How would I make my tell verb tell only one person something? I have a Msg223 proc, I just do know what I would put after tell(...
That should work, assuming thats what you want, and my poor programming skills.

mob/verb/tell(mob/M,T as text)
M << "[usr] tells you: [T]"
In response to LuckyDog
Sounds like he's making a text mud...
In response to LuckyDog
LuckyDog wrote:
That should work, assuming thats what you want, and my poor programming skills.

mob/verb/tell(mob/M,T as text)
> M << "[usr] tells you: [T]"

Almost, Lucky. It should instead be
mob/verb/tell(mob/M as mob,T as text)
M << "[usr] tells you: [T]"

The mob/M part tells the cmpiler to think of M as a mob. However, since DM is a loose-typed language, it doesn't actually restrict M to being a mob. To do that, you need the "as mob" part.
In response to Elation
Elation wrote:
Sounds like he's making a text mud...

Uhhh Yeah