I have different races in my game (who doesn't?) such as man, dwarf, elf, etc. How do I get people of a certain race start at a certain place when they log in?
at the end of character creation put..
if(src.race == "human")
src.loc = locate(1,1,1)
else if(src.race == "dwarf")
src.loc = locate(1,1,2)

In response to Dession
Use switches, they're much shorter.
src.loc = locate(9,1,1)
src.loc = locate(13,37,1)

In response to Dession
I tried that, but when I ran it, it didn't take me anywhere.
In response to Seraphrevan
Did you add it right after they pick their race?
In response to Hell Ramen
I used that code, but how do I make it so that the user sees their location without having to use my verb "look"? (My game is text based)
In response to Seraphrevan
src << "Your loc is [src.x],[src.y],[src.z]."

Or you could just call your look verb. ;p
In response to Hell Ramen
Heh yours is 5 lines mine is only 4..
In response to Hell Ramen
My game uses the names, not coordinates. I tried substituting the coordinates with the name, but it keeps saying is an undefined var. I'm pretty sure it is.
In response to Dession
Dession wrote:
Heh yours is 5 lines mine is only 4..

In response to Dession
Dession wrote:
Heh yours is 5 lines mine is only 4..
Trust me, switch is better in the long run. It saves a lot of "else"s.
In response to Seraphrevan
Seraphrevan wrote:
My game uses the names, not coordinates. I tried substituting the coordinates with the name, but it keeps saying is an undefined var. I'm pretty sure it is.



Then set their spawn to that, then use "".
In response to Hell Ramen
I never said it was worse/better I am just pointing out you said yours is shorted but it is not.
In response to Dession
Dession wrote:
I never said it was worse/better I am just pointing out you said yours is shorted but it is not.

I guess I wasn't descriptive enough. You'll be using less "letters".
In response to Hell Ramen
Wow yours is 46 letters mine is 55 BIG difference. Seirously 9 letters isn't going to kill you.
In response to Dession
Dession wrote:
Wow yours is 46 letters mine is 55 BIG difference. Seirously 9 letters isn't going to kill you.

Just saying, it's faster then doing
else if(q==pie)
, 3.14, 304234, 23478237423, 349824392, etc.

You can EASILY shorten it up and go faster by using switch()
In response to Hell Ramen
I like if()'s better but I guess its all about opinion.
In response to Dession
Dession wrote:
I like if()'s better but I guess its all about opinion.

It does use if()s. >_>
In response to Hell Ramen
I'm sorry, I'm a little confused about that...