How would i make a code so that if a mob falls down a hole, if there is another hole below that one, the mob keeps falling, and if he falls more than 3 floors down, he dies when he finally hits the ground? Also how do i make it so that when hes falling, it does the thing like in SG2, where it shows him falling down?
Reinhartstar wrote:
How would i make a code so that if a mob falls down a hole, if there is another hole below that one, the mob keeps falling, and if he falls more than 3 floors down, he dies when he finally hits the ground? Also how do i make it so that when hes falling, it does the thing like in SG2, where it shows him falling down?

Are you talking 3D-wise? The z-level for BYOND is map levels. So on turf/Enter(), you can transfer the mob to the next z level and so on.
In response to VUnit321
No no, i know hwo to make him move down a z, bu ti dont know how to check to see if theres another hole under him and if so to make him fall agian, and i ned oto know how to make it so after he goes down three floors, once he hits the ground he dies. Also when i said show him falling i meant showing him fall through the air until he hits the ground. Then eitehr keep him there, if theres another hole, make him keep falling, or if he went down 3 or more floors, kill him when he hits the ground.
In response to Reinhartstar
M.z -= 1
entered ++
if(entered >= 3)
In response to Hell Ramen
but will that also do the check to see if theres another hole below wher the first one is? and if so make him keep falling?
In response to Reinhartstar
look up the isturf() proc I think thats the proc you are looking for...