Whoo. Birthday today, and now I'm eighteen years old. All welcome Hanns to the real world I guess. :P Anyways, not much to say. Ate at Shabu-Shabu. (Nice restaurant, for those who haven't been there.)
Happy birthday! It was mine not too long ago, too: on the 12th!

I had no idea we were of such close ages, oh gof
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday and welcome to legal adulthood.
Lol, shit, Hanns is 18...
Happy 18th birthday, Hanns!

And merry... Um... Much more? Yes, merry much more! That's got to be the big next thing!

And it will be, if I ever figure out what it means and what it is.
Happy birthday
Cool!Your B'day is on My country's Independence Day,cool isn't it ;)