My login code ain't working properly cause when I login or anyone else non of us can move. the only way we can move is by flying. I'm not sure its the login code tho
HolyDoomKnight wrote:
My login code ain't working properly cause when I login or anyone else non of us can move. the only way we can move is by flying. I'm not sure its the login code tho

Well no one can really help unless we see part of your Login Code, and what you seem to think it might be.
I'll guess that flying either changes your density or your layer.
So, without seeing the code, you must have made your default turf dense.

In response to Wanabe
ok but its long not too long tho
proc/BanGuy(mob/M as mob)//This is a ban code along with a bancheck to see if ur banned victims tried to login and when they do they are deleted instantly
var/savefile/F = new("Bans.sav")//makes new savefile of people you had banned
F["[M.key]"] << M.key
proc/CheckBan(mob/M as mob)
var/savefile/F = new("Bans.sav")
F["[M.key]"] >> checking
if(M.key == checking)
M << "You have been banned!"

class = "None"
world << "[src] has logged in"
usr << "Welcome to Newby Island"
usr.density = 1
src.loc = locate(1,500,1)
if(src.key == "SSJgoku11924" ||src.key == "Chaoszero7"||src.key == "Key"||src.key == "Key")
usr.density = 1
src.verbs += /mob/GM/verb/Boot
src.verbs += /mob/GM/verb/Mute
src.verbs += /mob/GM/verb/Unmute
src.verbs += /mob/GM/verb/Land
src.verbs += /mob/GM/verb/Fly
src.verbs += /mob/GM/verb/Announce
src.loc = locate(456,56,1)
usr << "Welcome to GM Fortress"
world << "GM [usr] has login"
if(src.key == "Ryokoie" ||src.key == "HolyDoomKnight"||src.key == "Key"||src.key == "Key")
if( == "HolyDoomKnight")
src.icon = 'HDK.dmi'
usr.density = 1
src.verbs += /mob/CGGM/verb/Boot
src.verbs += /mob/CGGM/verb/Teleport
src.verbs += /mob/CGGM/verb/Ban
src.verbs += /mob/CGGM/verb/Announce
src.verbs += /mob/CGGM/verb/Summon
src.verbs += /mob/CGGM/verb/Add_Temp
src.verbs += /mob/CGGM/verb/Remove_Temp
src.verbs += /mob/CGGM/verb/Add_MGM
src.verbs += /mob/CGGM/verb/Remove_MGM
src.verbs += /mob/CGGM/verb/Add_GM
src.verbs += /mob/CGGM/verb/Remove_GM
src.verbs += /mob/CGGM/verb/Add_CGM
src.verbs += /mob/CGGM/verb/Remove_CGM
src.verbs += /mob/CGGM/verb/Mute
src.verbs += /mob/CGGM/verb/Unmute
src.verbs += /mob/CGGM/verb/State
src.verbs += /mob/CGGM/verb/Land
src.verbs += /mob/CGGM/verb/Fly
src.verbs += /mob/CGGM/verb/Play_Song
src.verbs += /mob/CGGM/verb/Rename
src.loc = locate(458,56,1)
usr << "Welcome to GM Fortress"
if(src.key == "key" ||src.key == "key"||src.key == "Key"||src.key == "Key")
usr.density = 1
src.verbs += /mob/GGM/verb/Boot
src.verbs += /mob/GGM/verb/Teleport
src.verbs += /mob/GGM/verb/Ban
src.verbs += /mob/GGM/verb/Announce
src.verbs += /mob/GGM/verb/Add_Temp
src.verbs += /mob/GGM/verb/Remove_Temp
src.verbs += /mob/GGM/verb/Add_MGM
src.verbs += /mob/GGM/verb/Remove_MGM
src.verbs += /mob/GGM/verb/Add_GM
src.verbs += /mob/GGM/verb/Remove_GM
src.verbs += /mob/GGM/verb/Add_CGM
src.verbs += /mob/GGM/verb/Remove_CGM
src.verbs += /mob/GGM/verb/Mute
src.verbs += /mob/GGM/verb/Unmute
src.verbs += /mob/GGM/verb/Land
src.verbs += /mob/GGM/verb/Fly
src.loc = locate(454,56,1)
usr << "Welcome to GM Fortress"
if(src.key == "Key" ||src.key == "Key"||src.key == "Key"||src.key == "Key")
usr.density = 1
src.verbs += /mob/CGM/verb/Boot
src.verbs += /mob/CGM/verb/Announce
src.verbs += /mob/CGM/verb/Add_Temp
src.verbs += /mob/CGM/verb/Remove_Temp
src.verbs += /mob/CGM/verb/Mute
src.verbs += /mob/CGM/verb/Unmute
src.verbs += /mob/CGM/verb/Land
src.verbs += /mob/CGM/verb/Fly
src.loc = locate(459,56,1)
usr << "Welcome to GM Fortress"
world << "CGM [usr] has login"
if(src.key == "Ssj12Vegeto" ||src.key == "Key"||src.key == "Key"||src.key == "Key")
usr.density = 1
src.verbs += /mob/MGM/verb/UnBan
src.verbs += /mob/MGM/verb/Boot
src.verbs += /mob/MGM/verb/Ban
src.verbs += /mob/MGM/verb/Announce
src.verbs += /mob/MGM/verb/Add_Temp
src.verbs += /mob/MGM/verb/Remove_Temp
src.verbs += /mob/MGM/verb/Add_GM
src.verbs += /mob/MGM/verb/Remove_GM
src.verbs += /mob/MGM/verb/Mute
src.verbs += /mob/MGM/verb/Unmute
src.verbs += /mob/MGM/verb/Land
src.verbs += /mob/MGM/verb/Fly
src.loc = locate(457,56,1)
usr << "Welcome to GM Fortress"
world << "MGM [usr] has login"
if(src.key == "Ryokoie")
world << 'Sonic.mid'
usr.density = 1
src.verbs += /mob/CGGM/verb/Create
src.verbs += /mob/CGGM/verb/Delete_Obj
src.verbs += /mob/CGGM/verb/Delete_Turf
src.verbs += /mob/CGGM/verb/RenameWorld
world << "Owner [usr] has login"
if(src.key == "HolyDoomKnight" ||src.key == "key")
usr.density = 1
world << 'dontfearthereaper.mid'
world << "Main Coder [usr] has login"
src.class = input ("What class would you like to be?","Person") in list ("Yugi","Devin","Bakura","Player 1","Joey","Seto","Mai","Weevel","Yami Yugi","None")
if("Yugi") // if you pick stickman....
src.icon = 'Mobs.dmi' // your icon will be from the Players.dmi
src.icon_state = "Yugi" // and your iconstate will be "Stickman"
if("Devin") // if you pick stickman....
src.icon = 'Mobs.dmi' // your icon will be from the Players.dmi
src.icon_state = "Devin" // and your iconstat
if("Bakura") // if you pick stickman....
src.icon = 'Mobs.dmi' // your icon will be from the Players.dmi
src.icon_state = "Bakura" // and your iconstat
if("Player 1") // if you pick stickman....
src.icon = 'Player 1.dmi' // your icon will be from the Players.dmi
if("Joey") // if you pick stickman....
src.icon = 'Mobs.dmi' // your icon will be from the Players.dmi
src.icon_state = "Joey" // and your iconstat
if("Seto") // if you pick stickman....
src.icon = 'Mobs.dmi' // your icon will be from the Players.dmi
src.icon_state = "Seto" // and your iconstate will be "Stickman"
if("Mai") // if you pick stickman....
src.icon = 'Mobs.dmi' // your icon will be from the Players.dmi
src.icon_state = "Mai" // and your iconstat
if("Weevel") // if you pick stickman....
src.icon = 'Mobs.dmi' // your icon will be from the Players.dmi
src.icon_state = "Weevel" // and your iconstat
if("Yami Yugi") // if you pick stickman....
src.icon = 'Mobs.dmi' // your icon will be from the Players.dmi
src.icon_state = "Yami Yugi"
In response to HolyDoomKnight
all i can suggest is to make
src.loc = locate(1,500,1)
into a general area.
eg, make a turf called entrance, with the same icon as the starting area, and then make the locate statement
src.loc = locate(/turf/entrance)